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International activities

działania międzynarodowe

Active support for Polish and foreign enterprises

New companies are constantly emerging on the domestic and international markets, seeking a share in business success. Companies that want to establish themselves on international markets are looking for knowledge and detailed analyses that will serve them as a guideline for specific business activities.

Foreign markets with YUZU ASSETS: Europe, USA, Panama

YUZU ASSETS offers a range of activities in the field of
consulting and assistance in establishing trade cooperation with foreign companies. The aim of these activities is to support foreign companies in entering the Polish market, and domestic enterprises in entering markets abroad. We analyze, give opinions, and also verify ideas and complete documentation, without which the search for new markets is not possible. We indicate real possibilities, potential threats and probability of success in a new area of activity. We operate in various sectors on the European markets, in the USA and also in Panama.

Support instruments for companies with international aspirations

As a part of our support for companies on international markets, we prepare a reliable
assessment of the economic situation. We carefully analyse the possibilities of entering a Polish or foreign market. We offer sales tools, legal and accounting assistance, support in setting up a company and trying to reach new customers. The specialists from YUZU ASSETS prepare appropriate agreements, while evaluating the international potential of a given enterprise. We support companies in their search for foreign investors. As part of the service we offer assistance in team building,organise training for employees and managers. We are also available when a company has already entered a new market, taking care of the possibilities of continuous development.

Entry of a foreign company on the Polish market

YUZU ASSETS reliably assesses
the situation of a foreign company, which allows to develop ways of entering the Polish market. We are able to select the most optimal sales tools. We provide assistance during the establishment of company branches in Poland.Once the company is present on the Polish market, we offer further consulting and advisory services of our experts.

Company development outside Poland

Transferring a company abroad can be a very profitable venture. This is primarily due to the increased
importance of the brand on the international market, which leads to new opportunities and increased revenues. We actively support entrepreneurs on global markets,, primarily with legal and accounting assistance.